A.SANJAY Born On 12th August,2014 of Thoothukudi, Tamil Nadu,India For Creating a World Record of YOUNGEST TO WRITE TAMIL COUNTING on 03rd May 2021.
SANJAY.A 6 years old boy doing grade 1 in CAPSTONE HIGH SCHOOL is a PRODIGIOUS GENIUS KID Achieved 14 international and national world records for Reciting sovereign and non-sovereign states of America,Caribbean Islands and French Guiana. He is certified as GRAND MASTER .He holds multiple records for identification of maximum international cricket personalities, Identification of maximum company logos in 2 minute 57 seconds, 54 seconds and 27 seconds, Fastest identification of Anagrams by RAABA BOOK OF WORLD RECORDS. Flag identification of world countries, Perodic table recitation along with atomic number, oxidation states and perodic classification. He has been awarded prestigious MASTER OF TALENTS Award from RAABA MEDIA. He won international talent hunt of RAABA MEDIA and achieved silver medal and international entry ticket and titled as YOUNG ACHIEVER. He received exectis SUPER TALENTED KID award, Star Republic award, extra ordinary talent kid award 2020,Talent Ikon 2k21, international awards as Best achiever of the year 2k21 and best Talent kid of the year 2k21. He received international championship 2k21.He received many national and international awards such as unique talent kid award, Super Talented Kid,magnificent kid, sparkling star,multi-talented kid,young talento, exemplary kid,Grand Master award in general knowledge, PRODIGIOUS KID award,Outstanding kid achiever award,Mind Master award,Child Prodigy award,Little Champion,Marvelous Kid,Super Kid awards.He won First Place in spell bee contest and won first place in MATH WHIZ contest. He won silver medal in karate state championship. He secured international rankings 2 in and won cash prize in Wheelbox English Olympiad .He won international rankings 1 in MATHS and SCIENCE OLYMPIAD. He won RANK 1 in ENGLISH and Maths Seek Olympiad. He secured international rankings 4 in Math Olympiad and RANK 8 in English Olympiad. He secured Rank 28 in national level Analytical Brain Competition on logical reasoning. He won more than 55 prizes in story telling, fancy dress, speech, essay writing, drawing, art and craft, commentary. He has been featured in India's best kids newspapers KIDS AGE and ROBIN AGE and appreciated by them as a BUDDING TALENT. He is also a school class topper and appreciated as ROCKING STAR for his all rounding performances.