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CR Registration Number : 1-10650226971 ( USA ) , L-103373/2021 ( India ) , ISBN - 978-1-7374822-0-8 ( USA ) ,
TM Registration Number - 4746116/2021 , Affiliated - AIOCAM ( USA ) - EIN 87-1461664, IPT ( India ) - 2048/2009

Raaba Book of World Records accepts records from any aspiring person who dare to dream and want to achieve the dream under the sky.
1. General Policy
Raaba Book Of World Records does not promote or accepts attempts or world records that can potentially lead to any kind of destruction or harm to property, health, morality or general well-being of an individual/ organization/ society.
Approval or disapproval of any attempt and certification will be wholly and solely the decision of the RBR team.
Record approval and certification process may take 1-8 weeks as per instant recognition / fast processing / normal processing.
All the documents should be duly signed by all the witnesses.
At least 2 witnesses should be present at the time of record attempting.
Witness information should be sent along with all evidence proof.
RBR team members need not to be mandatorily present at the time of attempting a record. However, the authenticity of the record should be properly taken care of by having either an adjudicator/s or/and witness/es at the record attempt location.
2. New Record/Break the existing Record
To become a proud Raaba Book of World Record holder, one can either set a new record or break an existing record.
If the existing record is to be beaten, it should be attempted in the proper way under the supervision of the panel of talented judges or the set of reputed persons like a gazetted officer/school principal/an expert in that specific field.
Anyone can attempt a new record or break the existing record, there is no age bar for the aspirants. However, the minor aspirants need the parent’s/guardian’s consent.
The attempt can be a solo/group or mass attempt.
Prepare and practice for the final attempt with proper safety measures.
3. Process – How to Apply
Fill the Raaba World Record Registration Form and submit for further processing.
After receiving the Registration form, the team of Raaba Book of World Records (RBR) would review it and give the acknowledgement of acceptance to attempt the record.
Our RBR panel’s decision is final.
4. Rules for specific Event
Along with the acknowledgement of acceptance, record specific guidelines will be sent to the aspirants which they need to follow while attempting the record.
Attempt the records in accordance to the guidelines, in a safe environment with the suitable equipment. All necessary safety precautions should be in place.
5. Legal Policy
The record attempts should undergo safety laws and regulations.
The originality of the documentary evidences provided should adhere the legal procedures.
Local channel/media persons could be invited or the attempt could be performed in a public place for the authenticity of the record attempt under the guidance of the legal authorities.
6. Personal Data Privacy Policy
We assure that the personal data collected will be maintained in our records for future reference with utmost care and security.
It will not be shared with anyone.
7. Inviting a Judge/Adjudicator
You can invite a Record Management Judge/adjudicator from RBR (not mandatory).
RBR team must be notified one month prior to the date of the record attempt for sending an adjudicator at the attempt location.
Travel and accommodation of the adjudicator will be the responsibility of the record attempter individual/organization or sponsor/s if any.
If the record attempt is successful, the adjudicator can give on-the-spot certification subject to his/her complete satisfaction.
In case of on-the-spot certification attempts, the approval will solely depend on the satisfaction of the adjudicator.
8. Required Evidence
A Cover Letter with all required information about your attempted record.
Record Participants details with the photograph and signature.
The complete detail about all witnesses with their photograph and signature.
High quality Video Footage.
High-quality color photographs.
Media Coverage, if any (Audio/video/print/electronic)
Send all the evidences to RBR team in case you have not invited a Record Management Judge/adjudicator. (You are supposed to email all the evidences).
The evidences should be a clear video taken with the time keeper and a reputed person as a judge in a proper environment.
9. Mass Records
The participants may be unlimited but must be minimum 50 for a new record.
Proper timeline should be kept in mind while attempting a record.
Sitting/standing arrangement of participants should be proper so that they can be precisely counted through any particular accepted method.
The attempt must take place at a location in some place which is open for all.
Record attempts must take place in restricted areas with clearly marked and controlled entrances and exits.
Indoor attempts must take place in a room designated for the attempts, and outdoor attempts must be secured by some physical barriers.
A clear signal should be given and then all participants must start their activity simultaneously/in relay.
A clear signal should be given at the end of the performing the record.
A sufficient number of witnesses must be on hand to make sure that each participant performed properly, and groups of participants should be organized to make sure that witnesses can see all participants in their group clearly.
Every participant counted who is within the barriers of the attempt area must fully participate in the attempt.
At least two independent witness statements must confirm the exact and final figure of the total participants and attest that all guidelines were followed during the attempt.
10. Payment Details
The payment varies depends on the event.
Payment should be made in advance through bank transfer, Google pay or online transfer.
Do contact us for more details.
11. Record Certification Policy
Make your record experience event an unforgettable event by making use of our prestigious RBR logo at your attempt which can generate excitement and attention. You can freely use the logo in T-shirts, Banners, Posters, hand-outs and media release with prior permission.
To acknowledge the World Record attempt by our official judge on the spot, unique and significant RBR provisional certificate will be presented to the successful aspirant after the verification of the attempt.
RBR Provisional Certificate contains the details of the record including the name of the record holder, date and location of the record attempt.
The certificate helps the record holder to demonstrate and publicize his/her world class achievement.
Once the record got approved, the prestigious Raaba Book of World Record certificate would be provided.
Royal Status Certificate Pack with Original Silver Medal Honor, Shield and Promotions (Online Media and Social Media). Satellite media and Print Media both are chargeable.
RBR also offers ‘Personalized Certificate’ in case of mass attempt.
Personalized Certificate enables record holders to order an edited version of the standard certificate. These personalized extra certificates (coordination/Participation) enable record holders to include his/her name as well as some other information as requested and approved by RBR. Thus, all those who coordinated/participated in the successful record attempt can have their name on an official Personalized RBR Certificate.
Please click here to download a record application form. You have to take a print out of this form, fill it manually and send us a scanned copy. After filling out the form completely you can submit it by sending an email to info@raabamedia.com.
Incomplete forms may be rejected so try to fill all the details to the best of your knowledge.
The record attempt should be performed under the guidance of the legal authorities with all the safety measures.
12.Contact Details
Contact us for more details and to understand better.
Mail - info@raabamedia.com
Mob: 91 – 9600112714
Appointment Office: