Mrs.A.Righana Parveen,Director of 'The i-School ' , completed her graduation in B.E.ECE at Sethu institute of technology during the year 2015. She was awarded National level for her project on 'RFID Tollgate'.
As all other engineering graduate started working in a MNC for 4 years. Most of her childhood schooling passed in Dubai for 9years. Getting used to a different method of teaching which needs only concepts in paper, she struggled hard to follow the usual indian education system of marks. That was the moment she taught she needs to change this education with a concept clear learning pattern from the childhood. But this was deep inside her heart until the spark came for her playschool.
Even though Mrs.Righana completed her engineering and was working in an MNC with good amount of salary, she wasn't happy with was she was doing. Every year when board exam results hipe spreads across people she gets upset on the method of teaching that is followed.
All of a sudden one day, when scrolling Instagram she came across The i-School , getting interested in it she did lots of research on their curriculum and method of teaching. Feeling so excited and happy about it she decided to start her new branch in her home town Madurai on quitting her handful salary job. She wanted to support all children to reach their maximum potential with happiness. She says" We are ambitious and passionate about this field in bringing up the young minds into new way of learning. I strongly believe their is a difference between learning and studying. I always look forward in updating me and my team for the betterment of kids in their learning process". She adds " Its not just alphabets and numbers they learn. Its life skill whereas discipline, listening skill, concentration, fine motor skill etc" . In addition to her engineering degree she followed her passion towards child psychology for better understanding of fresh minds.